
It is amazing what results can be achieved by an integrated asset management approach.
ISO 55000 identifies VALUE ADDED as perhaps the greatest benefit of such an integrated approach. This is exactly what we find in practice.
Nonummy hendrerit mauris hasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis partur.
Nonummy hendrerit mauris hasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis partur.
Nonummy hendrerit mauris hasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis partur.
Nonummy hendrerit mauris hasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis partur.
Nonummy hendrerit mauris hasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis partur.
Nonummy hendrerit mauris hasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis partur.
Do you want your Asset Management organisation to excel? We can assist you this through our World Class Excellence Programme.
The company M-Tech Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd has over a period of four years performed a Maintenance Improvement Project at DMS Powders. It was a three phase process, which was executed as follows:
- Phase 1 - Basic improvement - Mid 2011 to end 2012
- Phase 2 - Intermediate improvement - January 2013 to mid 2014
- Phase 3 - Advanced improvement - started Janury 2015, intended completion date December 2015
The above led to a very distinct improvement in the performance of the department:
An improvement from 31% of World Class before the project started to 48% at the end of the first phase, 61% at the end of the second phase, and 75% at the end of phase 3.
These figures are based on the audits done at the end of each phase - the figure at the end of phase 2 was based on a joint audit by M-Tech and and external auditor using the auditing methodology of the South African Asset Management Association, while the audit at the end of phase 3 was performed by an ISO 55000 auditor.
Based on the above we sincerely recommend M-Tech to any prospective company that want to improve their asset management / maintenance situation. They are a highly professional team, who go to the utmost to effect relevant transformation in the business.
André Hefer, DMS Powders.
In June 2002 we formally after Top Management approval started the RBM (now Rio Tinto) asset management program, with M-Tech Consulting Engineers facilitating the process. The scope provided for the:
1st round engagement sessions with the key stakeholders (i.e. plant).
Developing the project scope.
Developing the master asset management plan.
Developing the asset management policy.
Developing the asset management business procedures.
Training, coaching mentoring the stakeholders in the asset management philosophies, principles and methodology.
Formal training in RCA, maintenance methodology, planning and scheduling etc.
The program ran over a period of 18 months.
Only after implementation RBM moved from a firefighting environment to a planned environment. The financial savings became visible in the year after implementation.
Chris Visagie, Richards Bay Minerals.
The maintenance function was outsourced at DMS powders. During 2010 DMS decided not to renew the maintenance contract with the maintenance service provider.
Following an audit by M-Tech, a maintenance improvement project was launched and scheduled to be completed in three years.
DMS appointed M-Tech during 2011 to perform and manage this maintenance improvement project.
First year of implemention
The maintenance cost has decreased by 5% and overall plant output has increased by 5%.Long term plant maintenance projects were also implemented to ensure sustainability.
Second year of implemention
The maintenance cost was reduced by another 9% and the plant output has increased by another 8%. Certain plant equipment’s replacement cycle increased from 6months to once every second year.
The biggest changes were in the people’s knowledge of maintenance, understanding the maintenance objectives and what role maintenance plays in the business.
Kiewiet Badenhorst, DMS Powders.