7 Assets Asset Development Programme for AM Leaders

Do you want to improve the performance of your Asset Management or Maintenance Business?

Three steps that you can take to inform yourself about possible action steps:

  1. Take the Physical Asset Management Scorecard.
  2. Attend a free webinar where the methods and processes involved are explained.
  3. Download the AM-Tech brochure on Asset Management Development.
  4. Download the white paper on the 7 Assets Programme (see thumbnail on left).

7 Assets

We are in the process of completely rethinking our approach to helping Asset Management people and Asset Management organisations succeed. In the past, we provided learning, such as the Diplomas and Courses presented by our Terotechnica Asset Management College. And then, when more help was needed, we provided the option of consulting services. We now decided to rather help Asset Management Leaders to become experts in building their own organisational capacity/ability. This is our 7 Assets Development ProgrammeWe are in the process of giving body to this Programme. We should make the programme available, no later than May 2021 (we are aiming to do so earlier, if possible).

In the meantime, we have added the white paper for download. The LinkedIn articles, on which the white paper is based, can also be accessed through the links below the white paper thumbnail.




7 Assets overview article

Asset 1: Systemisation

Asset 2: Life Cycle Management

Asset 3: CMMS

Asset 4: Maintenance Technology

Asset 5: Expertise

Asset 6: Maintenance Logistics

Asset 7: People Development

We are busy rethinking the naming and order of these seven assets as well, to make it more user friendly. However, the essence will remain the same. And then, the development programme itself needs structuring and full substance. Nevertheless, we have progressed quite far with the underlying thinking.

Watch this space!